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2.82 uuid_transfer

Transfers an existing call to a specific extension within a and . Dialplan may be “xml” or “directory”.

2.82.1 参数



2.82.2 用法

uuid_transfer <uuid> [-bleg|-both] <dest-exten> [<dialplan>] [<context>]

The optional first argument will allow you to transfer both parties (-both) or only the party to whom is talking.(-bleg). Beware that -bleg actually means “the other leg”, so when it is executed on the actual B leg uuid it will transfer the actual A leg that originated the call and disconnect the actual B leg.

NOTE: if the call has been bridged, and you want to transfer either side of the call, then you will need to use (or the API equivalent). If it’s not set, transfer doesn’t really work as you’d expect, and leaves calls in limbo.

And more examples see Inline Dialplan

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